The Global Vote

Want to Replace the existing
Fraudulent System

…with a System that defends
your valid Rights?

The Global Vote

A valid Vote empowers
a Defense of Rights.

The Global Vote

The Global Vote

Want to Replace the
existing Hierarchy

…with a Self Organizing
Communal System?

The Global Vote

A valid Vote offers both
types of Communal Systems.

The Global Vote

The Global Vote

Want a system that defends
your Valid Rights

…rather than a
Hierarchy of rulers?

The Global Vote

A valid Vote offers both
Alignments of Laws.

The Global Vote

The Global Vote

Want to Replace the existing
Fraudulent Vote

...with a valid Vote?

The Time is Here.
The Time is Now.

A New Earth
is Possible.

The Global Vote

The Global Vote

Only two types of Communal Systems
can be created by man.

One is based in executing
the principle of a cure.

The other executes
the opposite of a cure.

The Global Vote

The Global Vote

A sole Common Interest exists between
every member of society...

It is: defending Liberties
that are Common Interests

from Liberties that
are not Common Interests.

The Global Vote

The Global Vote

The Global Vote

What is The Global Vote?

The Global Vote is a technology 
and social network that will unify 
mankind as a Communal Species.


Executing a cure will result in a
communal system where conflict,
friction, disharmony, and war
will become a thing of the past…


…and a Social Environment will 
spring into existence that exhibits
peace, harmony, security, and unity.

Your assistance is requested.

Peace, Harmony,
Security, and Unity.

The existing Constitutional System 

results in the diametrical Opposite. 

There is a reason for this.


  *   *   *


A false-paradigm of the problem is  
being used. The core problem is not 
a “tribal ruler” problem. 

Electing “better rulers”
will never cure it.


A valid cornerstone is missing.


A scientific cure is missing.


A scientific cure needs to be 
executed. Yet, this formula 
(an equation) (a compass)
is missing.


The existing constitutional
framework is deficient…


…yet this can be fixed.


Mankind must give allegiance 
to a universal scientific principle.


  *   *   *


Treating symptoms will never cure a 
problem. In order to cure a problem 
one must treat and eliminate its cause.


  *   *   *


The existing constitutional system 
fails to obey the principle of a cure.

Instead, it imposes rulers.

It fails to empower mankind to 
execute a valid scientific cure. 

The existing constitutional system
fails to empower mankind with the
legal tools required to:

defend Liberties that can validly 
be claimed as Inherent Rights.

This error is bigger 
than flat-earth theory.


  *   *   *


Perspective is missing.


A problem is being managed

rather than solved.


Curing it will result in 
an evolutionary leap.


Your assistance is needed…


  1. watch the video below 
 2. think for yourself, and  
 3. vote in The Global Vote.


…voting gives you access to  
(a social network)


  *   *   *
To watch the video below click on it.



When laws execute a cure: 


…liberty will be maximized
to its progressive limits, and


…every individual will benefit 
and none will be harmed.


The human species will be unified 
in a great mission that is immensely 
beneficial to every member of society.


   *   *   *

Executing a Scientific Cure…

…will result in a

unified Communal Species

…and a Social Environment of:

Peace, Harmony, Security, and Unity.


Want to put an end to War?

Want to put an end to Politics…

…and eliminate Politicians?


Want to limit Government 

to executing a Cure?

Want a system-of-laws that 

will defend your valid Rights?

Want to reap the full benefits 

of the Wealth that you create?

Want to eliminate the error  

that enables 1% to acquire 

75% of the Wealth of the planet?


Want to retain all of the 

Productive Liberties that 

Nature has gifted to you?

A valid cure exists.

(a scientific equation)

* * *

Please examine the evidence…

…Think for Yourself, and

…Vote in The Global Vote.

* * *

The Framework of The Global Vote

reveals two important things:

1. a Problem is being Managed

rather than Solved, and

2. in the History of Mankind a

valid Vote has never occurred.

The existing vote traps mankind in a

false solution (a sophisticated system of

tribal rulers). Yet the problem that must

be cured is not a “tribal ruler” problem.

Electing “better rulers” will never cure it.


  *   *   *


Blindly adopting a legacy system 

of tribal rulers is error.


Examine this legacy system closely. 


It is not what it initially appears to be.


The modern democratic vote 
“engineers consent”
(to something you may not want).


As you vote – you consent to 
the existing system (rulers).


A type C Hierarchy is very
clever (see chapter 4). It is
an evolved Hierarchy.


It cleverly imposes itself with
a false-vote. It sets a deceptive
trap (a vote) that prevents a cure. 

As you vote – you endorse 
the existing system (rulers).


Rather than empowering society, 
(with a cure) the modern vote 
dis-empowers society, and…


empowers rulers to create 
misaligned laws – that fail to 
obey the principle of a cure.
(a false solution)


And spreading the cause
the rulers
at your expense.


  *   *   *


Incentives are misaligned.


And Misaligned Incentives…

…are toxic to a Communal Species.


  *   *   *


Perspective is needed. 
Yet perspective is missing.


To cure this problem…

a scientific cure
(a compass)
is required. 


  *   *   *


The Global Vote 
empowers society with 

the scientific cure.


Each individual is 
free to choose.


There is just one condition.


To become eligible to vote…

…you must first learn the cure.


The journey ahead will lead
you to it (a simple equation).


(chapters 3 & 4)



  *   *   *


The Global Vote combines 
three technologies:


…an educational technology 
…a voting technology, and 
…a social network platform 

Voting gives you access to 
the social network platform. 
(The Global Forum)


Let us begin the journey…


* * *

A valid compass exists.

It orients the landscape.

It enables laws to be

aligned to cure the problem.

A scientific discovery has

been made (an equation)

A simple equation reveals a vector:

…of where mankind is coming from

…and where mankind needs to go.

It is similar to E = mc2

A sole perspective  

properly orients the landscape.

Once the Cause is revealed the

landscape becomes so simple, 

it will make you say:

“Why didn’t I think of that.”


   *   *   *


And once this truth is seen 
it cannot be unseen.


* * *

Click on the Video Below

to begin the journey to solve...


Alternatively, to learn more about 

what constitutes a valid Vote, simply
continue reading below the video.

The core problem is a scientific problem.

Yet the scientific method is not being used.

(problem, cause, solution)

All Modern Constitutions fail to:

…define the Problem

…identify its Cause

…or set forth a valid Cure

Does this make sense to you?

This evidence should alarm you.

* * *


You have been told to

pledge your allegiance to

a cornerstone document…

….that makes no sense.


You have been told to give 

your allegiance to the arbitrary 

decrees of politicians (rulers).


The constitution says:


“there must be rulers”.


This results in a Hierarchy.

* * *

A scientific principle reveals the error…

” Treating symptoms will never cure
a problem. In order to cure a problem,
one must treat and eliminate it’s cause.”

…the problem and its cause

remain unknown (undiscovered).

* * *

Mankind has failed to ask, or answer,

the most fundamental questions.

What problem

preexists mans laws

that mankind’s laws

must cure?

The fundamental questions are:

1. What is the Problem?

2. What is the Cause?

2. What is the Solution?

There is a reason that you cannot
answer these questions.

A compass that orients

the landscape is missing.

The journey ahead

will take you to it.

* * *


Modern constitutions are fatally flawed.

A problem is being managed rather than

solved. Constitutions fail to set forth a cure.

Yet this error is worse.

Identical to flat-earth theory,

a false-paradigm of the problem

is being portrayed as a solution.

A false-solution has been

represented to society as a solution


This portrayal is error.


  *   *   *


A scientific tenet reveals the error.

“When one cannot solve a problem

one is forced to perpetually manage it.”

(“management” is not a solution.)

Fortunately, this grand error

can be cured.

Your assistance is needed.

After you watch the Four Video

Chapters and learn about:


the Cause and the Cure

…you are qualified to Vote in:

The Global Vote.

Within The Global Vote,

you can vote for either…

1. Management-by-Politcians

the existing system


2. Inherent Rights

a valid scientific solution

(a scientific equation)


In order to Vote you must first

educate yourself on: 1. the Problem;

2. the Cause, and; 3. the Solution.

No-one can do this for you.

Perspective is needed.

Yet perspective is missing.


A valid vote does not restrict you to voting

for rulers and only rulers (politicians)…

…who are constitutionally authorized to

perpetually manage rather than solve.

* * *

Conversely, a valid vote empowers you

to vote for a scientific solution that…

…will cure the underlying problem that

preexists within the Laws of Nature.

A valid vote sets forth a cure that

ensures laws get universally aligned

to execute a cure and only the cure.

A valid vote offers a paradigm

(a cure) that restricts government

officials to executing a cure.

* * *

Allegiance to executing a cure

is what limits government

officials to executing the cure.

Curing the problem will result

in a Social Environment of:

Peace, Harmony, Security, and Unity.

* * *

These are symptoms of Health:


…in a Healthy Organism


…and in a Communal Species

This has not-yet occurred

in the human species.

The cause of the problem 

(that prevents health)

remains unknown.


Test yourself. 


Can you name the cause?

* * *


A valid vote empowers society 

with a cornerstone principle

(an equation)…


…that enables laws to be aligned 

to treat and eliminate the cause.

And properly aligned laws prohibit

anyone (including government)…

…from spreading the cause

of the problem.


This has not yet occurred.


The existing laws of politics and

economics are badly misaligned. 
(misaligned laws spread the cause)

* * *

The existing Vote

is deficient.

The absence of a valid Vote

(one that offers a cure)


….ensures laws will be misaligned 


…and the cause  will be spread.


  *   *   *

This opposite of a valid vote

…is a perverted vote


What is a perverted vote?

A perverted vote

empowers politicians to

spread the cause… 


…with misaligned laws, that 

authorize and incentivize 

human behavior that is 

the cause of the problem.

Spreading the cause 
makes the symptoms worse.

* * *


A perverted vote can only occur

when the cause remains unknown.

Once the cause is known 

the cure is a formula.

Laws must be aligned to:

“treat and eliminate the cause”

(with disincentives).

Eliminating the Cause = a Cure

* * *


What is a perverted vote?

A perverted vote authorizes

politicians to behave in ways that

spread the cause of the problem.

Spreading the Cause is

…the opposite of a cure.

A perverted vote traps mankind in 

a false solution (rulers) that empowers

politicians to create misaligned laws 

that spread the cause of the problem.

A perverted vote traps mankind in

a system-of-rulers, and requires

allegiance to the whims of the rulers 

(laws that fail to execute a cure).

A perverted vote: is a vote that

prevents mankind from voting for a

“scientific cure” (a compass) that

aligns laws to execute the cure.

When laws restrict mans liberty, to

voting for rulers and only rulers…


…a perverted vote springs

into existence.

Tragically, mankind is

trapped in a perverted vote.

This fact is not difficult to see.

* * *

All modern Constitutions impose 

a false solution (rulers)

…and modern Democracy restricts

mankind to voting for new rulers.

* * *

The existing architecture traps

mankind in a false solution.

A Hierarchy of rulers has been created.

And within this Hierarchy, allegiance to 

the false solution (the constitution, and 

the decrees of politicians) is required.

* * *


No path to escape the error exists.
(the hierarchy)

Voting, implies your consent…

…to a false solution (politicians)

…that spreads the cause.

* * *


A scientific cure is missing.

One generation will cure this problem.

Will it be yours?


Might you play a role in it?


  *   *   *

Please educate yourself

then do your part…

vote for what you believe will cure

the problem that preexists in Nature.

Voting for a cure enables you to 

begin to defend Liberties, that you 

can validly claim as Inherent Rights

If solving this problem (defending your

Rights) interests you…

…simply Click on the Video below

and begin the journey.

In the journey ahead, the scientific method

is used to isolate the Cause of the problem.

Once the Cause is seen and understood

two facts spring into view:

1. Politicians spread the cause of the problem

(under the guise of doing-good), and

2. Mankind has failed to discover the basis

of a Right (liberties that belong to you)

* * *

Spreading the cause of the problem…


…within the laws of politics

and economics

…results in symptoms that 

fail to go-away despite constant 

management by politicians.

The existing constitutional blunder (rulers)

gives birth to a tragic management error

that mankind has executed before.

* * *

Similar to early medical professionals who

were ignorant of germs, the cause is being

spread under the guise of doing-good.

Politicians are identical to doctors

bloodletting with infected tools.

The tools of politicians are different

(laws) – yet the error is the same.

Misaligned laws execute

the opposite of a cure.

Misaligned laws spread the cause.

…they incentivize human behavior

that is the cause of the problem.

Tragically, this error (misaligned laws)

cannot be seen from within the paradigm

being used (management-by-politicians).

* * *


A valid compass is missing.

A cornerstone principle that

universally isolates the cause is missing.

Absent a valid cure (a vector)

laws cannot be universally aligned

to treat and eliminate the cause.

At this evolutionary stage,

mankind fails to comprehend:

1. what liberties must be treated 

and eliminated (by laws), and

2. what liberties must be left alone.

And tragically, when the cause of

any problem remains unknown…

…it is easy to spread.

* * *

At this stage of evolution…

Politicians are  aligning laws without

a valid compass yet they fail to

acknowledge this fundamental truth.

* * *


Rather than executing a valid cure, a

“management-system” is being

imposed by all modern constitutions.

The failure to recognize this fundamental 

truth prevents mankind from seeing 

that a scientific cure is missing.

“Management” is being

portrayed as a “solution”…

…and is being blindly

accepted as a “solution”.

This false-solution results 

in “management error”.

* * *

The absence of a scientific cure has

resulted in a labyrinth of arbitrary laws

that are not universally aligned to treat

and eliminate the cause of the problem.

Just as importantly, the absence of a

valid compass prevents misaligned

laws (that spread the cause)…

…from being recognized

as misaligned laws.

This error can be cured.


Your assistance

is needed.

A historical event lies ahead.

In the evolution of mankind this

problem (a false perspective)

can only be cured once.

The time is here.

* * *


mankind to vote for a scientific cure.

Constitutional laws must

integrate a valid scientific cure.

Absent this, laws cannot be universally

aligned to treat and eliminate the cause of

the symptoms that plague modern society.

When Constitutional laws accurately set forth

the Problem, its Cause, and the Cure, this

enables laws to be universally aligned

to execute a cure and only a cure.

This has not-yet occurred.

Something is missing.

A cure is missing.

Said differently…

* * *

Mankind has not-yet discovered

the basis of a Right

…or the opposite of a Right.

* * *

Once the opposite of a Right is seen

and understood – the architecture of

a valid vote springs into view.

The time is here. The time is now.

A valid vote is possible.

* * *

A disruptive technology lies ahead.

After thousands of years of operating

in a false paradigm, each member of

society is now empowered to Vote

for a Scientific Cure


Within The Global Vote mankind

is no longer restricted to voting

for rulers and only rulers.

The Global Vote empowers

society to vote for a cure.


* * *

When Constitutional laws

integrate a scientific cure…

….this results in system-of laws

(not rulers) that defend the Rights 

of every member of society…


…from being violated by anyone

(including government officials).

* * *

Said differently…

The utility of Constitutional laws is

to defend Liberties that are Rights…

…by prohibiting Liberties that are

the diametrical opposite of a Right.

* * *

Tragically, mankind has failed to

set forth the germ of the problem.


This has resulted in a deficiency

to prohibit liberties that are

the cause of the problem.

* * *

An objective litmus test exists 

that precisely isolates the cause:

…yet politicians look the other way

(out of self-interest).

This remarkably simple tool 

is set forth in the videos ahead.

* * *

When laws are precisely aligned to

execute a cure, and only a cure…


….mankind will become unified 

around its sole common interest. 

(see chapter 3)


A unified species cannot 

be created any other way.

  *   *   *

Executing a Cure…


…leaves mans

Productive Liberties intact…


….while eliminating the Cause.

This results in a highly productive

civilized society that exhibits:

Peace, Harmony, Security, and Unity.

This has not-yet occurred.

Something is missing.

When constitutional laws are aligned to

defend Rights (rather than create rulers)

misaligned laws that violate Rights will 

become an archaic thing of the past.

* * *

The scientific method reveals

the existing false-solution (politicians)…


…must be replaced by allegiance to

the principle of a cure.


  *   *   *

The principle of a Cure

reveals a simple fact:

Rulers are error.

Rather than curing the problem,

rulers result in a Hierarchy.


* * *


This error prevents the creation of :

…a Self-Organizing Communal

Society (a free society)…

…with Rights of Self Defense

(from the cause of the problem).

* * *


The liberation of all is possible. 

The well-being of all is possible.


A cure exists.


* * *


When laws limit government employees

to executing the cure, and only the cure…

…this problem will get cured.

And when government employees are

prohibited from spreading the cause of the

problem (out of ignorance, negligence, or

self interest) this problem will get cured.


* * *


Disincentives hold the key.

Absent powerful penalties

(to prevent spreading the cause),

the problem cannot be cured.


Rights of Self Defense ensure that 

these disincentives can be executed.

Tragically, Politicians have acted in

Self-Interest, and anointed themselves

with laws of “sovereign immunity”.

This behavior by politicians, prevents

politicians from being held accountable

…for spreading the cause

…and from benefiting from it.

* * *


And to make matters worse,

as politicians spread the cause

(with misaligned laws)…


they frame their behavior as:


…providing a “public service”.

This fraudulent claim can only

be made when society remains 

ignorant of the cause of the problem.

This is no longer the case.


* * *

Are you 

an independent thinker?

The journey ahead

will test you.

It will test your belief systems.

The status quo is being questioned



A major belief system

(politics) is revealed as

a monumental error.


* * *


Society has been programmed to
blindly to accept the status quo.


(biological robots have been created)


Can you escape your programming?


* * *


What is a biological robot?


A biological robot is a 
biological entity that:


…rather than being taught
how to think


…has been programmed  
what to think“.


Can you think for yourself?


* * *


The Global Vote provides you with

an opportunity to independently :

1. examine the evidence,

2. think for yourself,

3. choose for yourself.


* * *


The existing educational system 

prevents this type of analysis.

Need proof?


Examine your own education.

Before you had a chance 

to think for yourself…

…you were indoctrinated into


(a Hierarchy)

You were told the

existing constitutional system

is a grand solution.


You were told…

“people have died for it”

You were instructed 

to pledge allegiance to

this “remarkable solution”.


This “solution” dictates:
“there must be rulers”.

Yet – the scientific

evidence reveals differently:


…a Hierarchy is
a grand false solution
masquerading as a solution.

(it cures nothing)


This is not difficult to see.


* * *

Two radically different types of

Communal Systems can be created.


Yet this simple fact was never

explained to you in elementary school.

The second type of Communal System

has never been allowed by Politicians. 


The existing educational system and 

the media are complicit in preventing

anything but a Hierarchy.


The proof?

The Democratic vote traps

mankind in a Hierarchy…


….and  prevents a

scientific cure…  


…yet you are persistently told 
(by the schools and the media) 
your vote is a very sacred thing.


You are told:

…it is your duty to vote

* * *


What is the Cure?

The journey ahead

will take you to it.

Peer into the future.

This problem can be cured.

One generation will do this.


  *   *   *


Mankind will become a 
Unified Communal Species. 


An environment of Peace, Harmony,

Security, and Unity is possible.

The question is:

Will you be a part of it?


To begin watching the video:

The Last Great Unsolved Mystery

….and Vote in The Global Vote

Click Here

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Spread the word.


Send the link to “your list”. 

They will thank you for it.


  *   *   *


To watch the Trailer



  *   *   *

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